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Shut Up Mommy's Talking

Jun 29, 2021

Karen and Kyle are joined by stand-up comic, gymnastics coach, and funny mom Christine Meehan-Berg! The ladies discuss postpartum depression vs. baby blues and why Christine and Kyle think Brooke Shields may be their best friend. (Brooke just doesn't know it yet.) Kyle had to make a crazy run to the park to confront a...

Jun 22, 2021

Judy shows up with a chip clip holder in her hair and gives us a tour of her son’s bedroom. She even takes a call from him, and we hear how easily he rolls with his mom’s hilarious life. The ladies talk about missing their own moms and what they could do differently. Kyle reads a story about a woman giving CPR to a...

Jun 8, 2021

Andy’s daughter is his most honest critic when it comes to his comedy career. He recounts the first time he met Karen, and, well, let’s just say it’s a good thing the first impression didn’t take. We talk parenting, business card faux pas, and his new hobby of cleaning disgusting cars. Also, Rodney Dangerfield...

Jun 1, 2021

At a comedy festival in Idaho, Karen and Kyle run into legendary comedian Tammy Pescatelli and have some serious laughs. The ladies dish on the comedy scene back in the day and the sexism that still prevails. Tammy talks about getting pregnant in her late 30s and how she managed to keep her career on the road while...